BBC's hit TV series "Sherlock" is one of the most popular TV shows of all time. And its leading light Benedict Cumberbatch who plays the role of Sherlock Holmes has become one of the most admired actors. He may inspire many of his fans, but there is someone who claims to look like him and has turned into an internet celebrity as his selfies went viral on Instagram.

According to the reports, a 16-year-old boy named Tyler Michell from Britain feels he resembles "Sherlock" star Benedict Cumberbatch. It seems like he wishes to gain fandom and fame like the Hollywood star. In order to let the world know about his resemblance, he has been frequently posting his selfies to his Instagram account along with the popular hashtags like #sherlock, #cumberbatch and #SASSY.

Benedict Cumberbatch's teenage look-alike posted several photos of his as well as photos of the British actor which were responded to by numerous Chinese fans. Initially, he received hundreds of comments in Chinese, which increased to thousands turning him into an internet sensation within days of publishing his selfies on the social media Web site.

Take a look at this Benedict Cumberbatch look-alike or doppelganger as referred by several media outlets by clicking HERE and HERE. E! Online listed few more photos posted by Tyler Michell on his Instagram account. Click HERE to view them as published by E! Online.

According to The Hollywood Reporter report, Benedict Cumberbatch look-like posted comments like: "Watching myself on TV," on his account. The Web site also quoted a comment from a Chinese admirer and it read: "You are truly a baby Benedict!"

Reportedly, Tyler Michell's pictures went viral and started trending on China's social media network Web site. Soon after, he experienced the downside of the fame that he acquired within days. While responding to his followers who grew in numbers rapidly, Tyler Michell posted a note that read: "Chinese followers. Stop commenting on all my stuff."

As reported by The Hollywood Reported, he received approximately 4000 comments in response to that note. Some people also suggested that his response was racist. Responding to that he has posted another note that reads: "I was not being racist. I couldn't understand what the comments said."

Meanwhile, new reports have emerged stating that the 37-year-old actor Benedict Cumberbatch believes that he has a "weird face" and he feels it's a "blessing" for him. While joking about his looks, Benedict Cumberbatch said his face is "somewhere between an otter and something people find vaguely attractive," as quoted by Digital Spy UK. Also, "Sherlock" star seems quite surprised of the fact that he figures in the lists of hottest celebrities.