Gold is back in play.

There's a veritable trifecta of forces that make gold the most interesting speculation/story for the rest of the year. With Obama's re-election in the US, all attention now turns to the looming 'fiscal cliff'. America's credit rating - and the dollar - are on the line. You saw this clearly when the price of gold spiked as soon as the election results were confirmed.
But let's not forget Europe. Mario Draghi says the European Central Bank is 'done' providing aid to Greece. There are strikes in the streets against austerity. The euro is at a two-month low against the dollar.

Meanwhile in China, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is underway. Changes in the nation's growth model are being revealed. No changes in one-party rule are expected. And will the Chinese say anything about the dollar or their official gold holdings?

All of these issues were discussed - with investment ideas and recommendations attached - at the recent Gold Symposium in Sydney. I'm happy to announce those proceedings were recorded. You can access them exclusively on-line and watch them at your leisure by ordering today.

Both days of the Gold Symposium were recorded. The package deal includes all 12 key note presentations. Here is a sample of what you'll find:

The Future of the International Monetary System: Paper, Gold or Chaos?
Jim Rickards, Partner JAC Capital Advisors New York

A View From the Inside: Understanding the Entire Gold Market James Gardiner, Physical Bullion Manager, MKS Capital

Gold Begins to Shine Again David Evans, Founder & Managing Director, GoldNerds Pty Limited

We Need the Gold Standard Urgently! And Why I am Not a Gold Bug Keith Weiner, President Gold Standard Institute USA

Boundless Absurdity Thy Name is Bureaucracy Richard Karn, Managing Editor, The Emerging Trends Report

There are also over 260 minutes of company presentations recorded. These are Australian gold companies making their case to Aussie punters. I didn't watch many of them, as I arrived at the Gold Symposium late after my trip South Africa. And you should not take this as an implied endorsement of any of them. But here is a list of just some of the companies that presented at this year's show:

Silver Lake Resources - ASX: SLR
Gold Road Resources - ASX: GOR
Kentor Gold Limited - ASX: KGL
Global Geoscience Limited - ASX: GSC
Southern Cross Goldfields Limited - ASX: SXG
KBL Mining Limited - ASX: KBL
Australian Mines Ltd - ASX: AUZ
Cerro Resources - ASX: CJO
Troy Resources Limited - ASX: TRY
Cortona Resources Limited - ASX: CRC
Mungana Goldmines Limited - ASX: MUX
HillGold Anomaly - ASX: GOA
End Gold Limited - ASX: HEG
Northern Star Resources Limited - ASX: NST

And that's just the list from day one!

As always, you should do your own research. But if you're looking for a comprehensive overview of the whole gold story, a review of the Aussie gold industry, and some company presentations, this is as good a place to start as any. You can order both days of the Gold Symposium here.

In the interests of full disclosure, I should point out that Port Phillip Publishing gets 50% of any sale. We don't do deals like this very often. But I've participated in the Gold Symposium for four years in a row now, and believe it's a great resource for Australian investors.

If you attended the event, you can claim a discounted price of just $55 for your complete video record. If you did not attend, it will cost you $137.50 to access the on-line files. There is a 3% fee for credit card transactions which will bring your total to $141.63.

This is important: on page three of the payment process, make sure you enter the words 'PPPGold' into the VIP code box.

After you've placed your order, you'll get a confirmation e-mail for your order. It may take up to one business day before you receive the link to your videos. Each order is cross-checked by hand against a list of attendees.

That means if you order over the weekend, you will most likely receive your link to the videos on Monday. If you pay by EFT, your link will be e-mailed once your payment has been confirmed.

The video archive also includes a lively and wide ranging panel discussion. Yours truly is there, giving my presentation on how gold will perform in a deflationary collapse. Dr Alex Cowie's presentation does not appear in the archive, but I'm checking to see if I can provide a transcript separately.

As I said, I don't endorse or recommend all the companies that presented at the Gold Symposium. I generally rely on Alex for most of my research. But this is a good place to do some one-stop shopping if you're new to the gold story and wondering where to start. You can order now here.

Dan Denning
for The Daily Reckoning Australia