Rihanna and Drake are reportedly calling it quits just five days after they announced that they are exclusively dating! Trouble in paradise this soon? Is a happy-ever after this hard for Rihanna to find?

A shocking new report comes out claiming the two renowned singers, who just announced their exclusive status and declared their love for each other, are now on the verge of a split up. The shocking report claims Drake actually threw Rihanna off his tour and then replaced her with someone else. That fast?

After being spotted together all over Europe being sweet and cuddly, Rihanna left Drake's European tour and went home to the United States. Since then, rumors started to spread about their break up, even just days after making things between them official. A new report even confirmed this, stating that Drake was the one who called it quits in order to get back with his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Winta'nna.

Being someone's exclusive girlfriend should not only last for five days, but if these reports are true, then Rihanna has only been the exclusive girlfriend barely a week. That is sad considering the things Rihanna went through with Chris Brown. The "Stay" singer deserves someone to love and take care of her.

According to the reports, Drake had his reasons for breaking up with Rihanna. For one, Rihanna was very "bossy" and "condescending" to members of Drake's crew while she was still in Europe. The "Pour It Up" singer was said to be "acting up" and rubbing the members of Drake's crew the wrong way. They hate her antics so much they pressured Drake to send Rihanna home and the rapper actually did.

If these are true, then a huge fight is brewing over them. A split up however, is still too soon to tell. Unless of course, there is a truth in the rumors that Drake went back to his long time "side piece" Winta'nna. If the rumors are true, Drake must not have moved over his long time go-to girl yet and this may be the larger reason for the alleged split.

Fans of Rihanna and Drake who have egged them on to come out and become official will no doubt be devastated if the two really have broken up. Not only because they look really good together, but also because no girl deserves to lose her boyfriend just in five days.