HBO popular vampire drama series "True Blood" returns on June 22 for its Season 7, the final season. HBO has released the first trailer of the swansong-season, which provides a glimpse of multiple-conflicts and Sookie trying to make sense of whatever is happening around her.


The footage alludes to the government's apathy while Bon Temps is under-attack and there are deaths. Also, residents of Bon Temps are turning on each other. Maxine Fortenberry can be seen pointing a gun at her neighbour.

"There was an attack at the church tonight," Sookie says in the teaser clip. "They're saying it was some sick vampires; that they came out of the dark, another ambush. How can this be happening? In this country in this day and age, that our Government would leave us for dead. Now the good folks of this town are turning on each other, acting like animals -- why they'd do such a thing?"

Ryan Kwanten, who plays Jason Stackhouse, had indicated in an interview given to Access Hollywood that some of the fans' favourites are unlikely to survive the final season. He had said: "People are going to be dying. Some of your favourites are going to be not lasting the season, unfortunately."

In the teaser clip, Sookie can be seen saying, "there is no one left." She seems to be the last woman standing in Bon Temps. The others standing with her at the end of the teaser clip are Sam, Alcide, Andy and Jason Stackhouse.

The premiere episode, directed by Stephen Moyer, is titled "Jesus Gonna Be Here." This episode features back-stories of Sookie and Tara as well as of Bill. There will be multiple-flashbacks featuring them. Also, the episode is expected to introduce a number of new characters.

"True Blood" final season consists of ten episodes.