HBO's popular vampire drama series "True Blood" returns for its final season on June 22, 2014. HBO has released a graveyard teaser to announce the premiere date of season seven.

The Bon Temps graveyard teaser features the tombstones of the characters who have died during the last six seasons of "True Blood." The tombstones of Corbett James Stackhouse, Francis Earl, Adele, Jesus Velasquez Tommy Mickens, Benedict Talley, Juna Garza, and Terence Quentin Bellefleur can be seen in the teaser. The teaser ends on the tombstone of 'True Blood: 2008 - 2014,' reminding viewers that it is the final season.

[Youtube/true blood]

As reported previously, the premiere episode is titled "Jesus Gonna Be Here." Stephen Moyer has directed the first episode of the final season. This episode is set to introduce new characters.

E-Online has revealed that in the final season, there will be a "whole new mess of baddies and troublemakers." Mr Gus, a native of Japan, will be one of the troublemakers. According to the report, he has a huge "quest for revenge." This baddie has adopted a lavish lifestyle, similar to "everything's bigger in Texas" kind of lifestyle.

Also, the premiere episode is expected to introduce "The Figure," the new villain of the final season. The casting call describes the villain as "scary, hulking, ugly, mean and crafty ... like Leatherface or Jason Voorhees, but this guy talks," according to TVLine's report.

There are likely to be more tombstones at the end of the final season. Ryan Kwanten, who plays Jason Stackhouse, revealed in an interview with Access Hollywood that some of the fans' favourites are unlikely to survive the final season. He said: "People are going to be dying. Some of your favourites are going to be not lasting the season, unfortunately."

For its final season, "True Blood" returns to its original theme of human-vampire relationship -- "for every human a vampire, for every vampire a human."