HBO's latest show "True Detective" made a remarkable debut two weeks back on Jan. 12, 2014. The show has been tagged as Matthew McConaughey's best work until now. The two detectives Martin Hart (Woody Harrelson) and Rustin Cohle (Matthew McConaughey) have already brought two extremely entertaining and dark episodes of the crime drama show. But fans must brace themselves as things are going to get even more intense as revealed by the preview video of True Detective Season 1 Episode 3 Locked Room. Read on to find out things to expect in the upcoming segment. (Warning: Spoilers Ahead!)

True Detective Season 1 Episode 3 Locked Room Spoilers

In the last episode, "Seeing Things," in flashback to 1995, Cohle discovers that Martin Hart is cheating on his wife. He also starts to experience hallucinations while working on the case. As a lead to their case of Dora Lange's murder, Cohle and Hart discover her diary which takes them to the church that is completely destroyed.

In the present day, the two detectives are being interrogated by the officers named Papania and Gilbough. While they are struggling with the fact that they are back together for the case they find out how they both ended up in Louisiana, after seventeen years.

In "True Detective" Season 1 Episode 3 The Locked Room, in flashback, while investigating on Dora Lange's case they will lay hands on an obliterated image in the destroyed church. With the help of this image Cohle and Hart will find a lead named Joel Theriot who is a tent revival minister.

Upon being interrogated, Joel Theriot's parishioner will recall that a "scarred, tall man" was seen with Dora Lange before her murder. A sex offender is called for interrogation who is dismissed by Cohle, even when confession is offered. At the same time, Cohle is struggling hard with his condition, while looking at the old files; he discovers a link between Dora Lange's murder case and the woman who was presumed to have drowned, several years ago.

According to more spoiler reports and preview teaser, the two detectives must answer some personal questions, which will uncover their motives. They contemplate on questions like "can a man love two women at once" and if a man can love at all.

The spoilers' teaser of True Detective Season 1 Episode 3 The Locked Room also shows that Cohle visits Hart's house in his absence. He feels disturbed because his wife and kids are at home. This gets them into a tiff.

On the other hand, task force starts to doubt Cohle's ability to solve the murder case, but Cohle doesn't want to let go of the murder case, not just yet. And in the end, the preview shows a man who looks like a monster that is "at the end of a lot of dreams."

True Detective Season 1 Episode 3 The Locked Room returns on Sunday, Jan. 26 on HBO.

Watch the Spoiler promo of True Detective Season 1 Episode 3 The Locked Room, below:

VIDEO: True Detective Season 1 Episode#3 Preview HBO


For more spoilers on "True Detective," read below:

True Detective Season 1 Episode 1 (Pilot) Recap (Spoilers): Must Watch Matthew McConaughey TV Show of 2014 Opens Murder Mystery

2014 Must-Watch, 'True Detective' on HBO: Things to Know About Episode 1 (Pilot); Plus Mathew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson Roles (Spoilers +Videos)