"True Detective" recently finished its season 1 installment. However, the fans were left in limbo when the show creator Nic Pizzolatto did not solve some of the blazing questions especially regarding identity of Errol aka "the spaghetti man." The season 1 did peel off many layers from Errol's personality but the fans are still confused about his identity and his funny accent.

Solving the mystery surrounding "True Detective" murderer, Nic Pizzollatto told Hitfix that the reason Errol has a weird speaking accent is because of his real voice is slurred due to scarring. While writing the character his background was such that he learns to pronounce by watching old VCR movies.

"And that brings us back to the idea of storytelling, right? At one minute he can affect this Andy Griffith good ol' boy voice, the next he can sound like James Mason, and when he wants to use his real voice, he sounds like something wounded and damaged. And then when Cohle is in Carcosa, he sounds like something entirely different," added Pizzollato.

Apart from throwing light on Errol's personality, Nic Pizzollatto also gave fans a sneak peak in season 2 of the most beloved crime series. In his interview to HitFix he said, "Okay. This is really early, but I'll tell you (it's about) hard women, bad men and the secret occult history of the United States transportation system."

Moreover, Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson won't be returning for season 2 and director Cary Fukunaga won't be directing the further episodes. The producers of the show have also started #TrueDetectiveSeasonTwo hashtag to keep the fans guessing about season 2 casting of the show.

Pizzolatto has hinted that this time there will be a slew of directors who will directing the episodes of "True Detective" Season 2 and there will be no single director this time. Speculations are rife that some of the big names in the industry will be joining the cast and crew the show.

Let us know who do you think will join the cast of "True Detective" Season2? For further updates of the show, stay tuned.