For a last few weeks, the Internet was abuzz with the rumors of Kate Middleton's pregnancy. Popular gossip tabloids hinted that Kate Middleton is pregnant with twins. The reports even went on to say that Middleton has changed her diet plan for the alleged pregnancy and is eating yam and yogurt to make sure that this time she delivers twins. However, Prince William at the recently concluded St. Patrick Day Parade refuted the Middleton pregnancy rumors.

The couple visited the 1st Battalion Irish Guards on Macrh 17 at Mons Barracks in Aldershot for the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and when grilled about Middleton's alleged pregnancy, Prince William said "May be one day. One's enough at the moment."

Mail Online further reported Regimental Sergeant Major Ray saying, "He (Prince William) said maybe when there's time."

So does that mean that the royal couple has not completely ruled out the possibility of having another kid?

At present the royal couple is happy to have Prince William and they apparently think that for the moment their hands are full.

Guardsman Glenn Tierney revealed to the Web site, "I asked them all about George, I'm nosey like that. They said he's doing really well and he's very busy crawling and eating. They said they're very busy sorting everything out for taking him to Australia. They're very excited."

This statement of Glenn also puts rumors of Prince William and Kate Middleton ignoring Prince George to rest. When Prince William and Kate Middleton went for their Maldives vacation, reports stemmed out that the two abandoned Prince George for their alleged second Honeymoon. However, it does not seem so.

The couple is very much taking care of their son and apparently Prince William may bring Prince George for the next year's annual parade.

Ray Kidd, a former regimental cook said about his conversation with the royal couple, "I asked him if he'd bring George next time and he said 'yes that's a good idea, I'll try and get him fitted for the uniform."

Let us know your thoughts on this. Do you think Prince George will ever get a sibling?