Australia's network news war has just gotten worse when a Seven security guard allegedly Tasered a Nine security guard before Socceroos first World Cup play off.

Rival camera crews were taping the Fanatic's procession to Durban's Kings Park Stadium when an arm grappling for access turned aggressive.

The commotion resulted to Taser burns on the former British military officer hired by Channel 9 to ensure the staff is safe from South African street crime.

When the crews were done exchanging verbal threats, Channel 7 reporter Mike Amor came forward in an attempt to settle the matter.

Witnesses say Amor's action prompted Nine's bodyguard to step in to separate the pair but was Tasered by Seven's guard who is an off-duty South African policeman.

"Russ", Nine's security man, got bruises and minor burns on his stomach.

Allison Langdon called a working police officer to break up the fight and verify the credentials of Seven's security man. No charges have been filed yet.

Nine's national news director Mark Calvert remarked that the Tasering made the ratings rivalry unpleasant.

"When I hired security for the World Cup, we had been warned about the country's crime rate and possible terrorist threats. Who would have thought we'd need protection from a Channel 7 crew?," Mr Calvert said yesterday.

"This is a classic case of taking the boss too literally," he added, recalling the comments made last week by Seven news boss Peter Meakin when he threatened to "shoot" rivals for his job.

But Mr Amor said: "Our guard pulled out his Taser gun, but we don't believe the other guy was actually Tasered. It calmed down and we actually had a beer at the bar with them [Nine] after the game".

"It was a silly thing and it's been sorted."