Now that there is a wedding date (May 24, 2014 in Paris), the other details of the infamous Kim Kardashian's wedding to Kanye West are coming out. Like any other girl, Kim Kardashian cannot wait to have a wedding gown made for her and for her to wear it on her big day, of course. Even though this is Kim Kardashian's third marriage, she does not want any other color for her gown but white. Hollywood Life shared that her wedding dress, which she will custom design herself, will be white. But behold, she will not only wear one dress on that day, but two. Lucky girl.

It was recently revealed that Kim and Kanye are now more comfortable with having a small wedding, and not over the top wedding of which they have envisioned at first. Now that a date is finally set, Kim Kardashian shared that she wants her big day to be as traditional as possible. She just proves that Kardashian and traditional can be used in one sentence. And beause she wants it traditional, she will not be coming out in a roaring red or sophisticated black gowns. She wants to wear white on her wedding just like any other girl.

However, maybe just to prove that she still wants to be unconventional, Kim will wear not one, but two dresses on that day. When she walks the aisle on May 24, Kim will wear her beautifully custom-designed white dress. But then she will change into another dress on her reception, and this time, it will not be white. Way to go to have more luscious-looking gowns.

Asked if Baby Nori will have a role on the wedding, Kim Kardashian said of course. Their baby girl had to play a significant role, even if Kim carries her herself. Kim shared that she can see their baby will be a flower girl on the big day, whether or not she can walk. If North isn't walking at that point, Hollywood Life reports that she will be a crawling flower baby on that day. By hook or by crook, the baby will be the cutest flower-carrying baby on this big day.