The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which has become a hit all over the world, has even inspired the dogs to pitch in their bit for this noble cause. Maybe it is high time that the humans should look for something more challenging and innovative to stay in the limelight and to get noticed. However, the video of dogs doing the Ice Bucket Challenge is getting all the attention.

Now it is the turn of the dogs to grab the headlines after celebrities, politicians, newscasters' turn of getting under pails of ice water. Most dogs didn't have a choice in the matter like the humans; however, most of them enjoyed the cool shower and the treats that followed.

The Ice Bucket Challenge is going to the dogs, which in this case has only enhanced its novelty. From dogs of ordinary people who stand for the cause of ALS to the canines with celebrity credentials like the cute Welsh corgi, Sutter of Gov. Jerry Brown, the challenge saw a keen contest among dogs of various sizes and breeds. Some took it with grace while others looked scared and sheepish.

There were also dogs that were literally sportive in the fray! UConn's Jonathan XIV took on the challenge from Northern Illinois University and for a Husky any chance to set soaked up in ice cold water in the summer would be simply exciting.

Georgia's Uga IX, a bull dog, too accepted the ice bucket challenge without batting his eyes. It was just another hot day for him as he is used to lying on a bag of ice on hot days at Sanford Stadium, which would have made it damn easy for him .

Though this stunt also raised some critical comments about water-wasting in drought-stricken California, it would surely bring in money for ALS Assn for the funding of the research studies on this degenerative disease, which can be of help to people with ALS.

Credit: YouTube/Allerian Training