There were many noteworthy fights with momentous results at UFC 168. However, Anderson Silva's leg injury came a complete shock for everyone. It is definitely one of the most ghastly injuries in the history of mixed martial arts.

Silva broke his leg in the second round when he kicked Weidman on the inside. Weidman checked and blocked Silva's kick, making Silva's left shin to make contact with the inside of Weidman's left knee. One block could have ended the career of one of the greatest mixed martial arts fighters in history.

Silva was taken out of the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas in a stretcher.

The following morning, UFC's designated orthopedic surgeon, Dr Steven Sanders, performed surgery on Silva's leg. Sanders implanted a titanium rod on Silva's leg in an operation that lasted for an hour with Silva under general anesthesia.

According to Sanders, Silva was already thinking about when he will be able to come back in the octagon ring. "He asks every time I see him on my rounds," said Sanders. "His question was, 'When can I train,'" Sanders added.

Sanders, on the other hand, has always told Silva that he should still be able to train. "It is important to be positive with your patient," Sanders said. However, Sanders made it clear that Anderson's leg injury should be treated most importantly.

Silva might really be very eager to return to fighting again as soon as he has fully recovered, but his son, Kalyl Silva, is reportedly not in favour at all of his dad getting back to mixed martial arts action, reported USA Today. Kalyl Silva wants his Dad to retire from UFC.

"I hope he retires and comes home," said Kalyl Silva in an interview with Brazilian news Web site. "I am tired of watching my father train every day, be gone for two or three months, and a broken leg happens," said the younger Silva. Kalyl also praised Chris Weidman for fighting like a champion and said that it is Weidman's turn to become a legend.

Silva is currently recuperating in Las Vegas, and he is trying to walk on crutches. On Wednesday, Silva tweeted a picture of himself with his family. "I want to say thank you to all my fans and friends to support me at this moment, I wish a great and happy 2014 to all," Silva wrote.