The result brings shame, the excuse is lame.

Fox Sports' mixed martial arts analyst Chael Sonnen was removed from his scheduled bout against Vitor Belfort in UFC 175 on July 5th after testing positive for banned substances, a Yahoo Sports report revealed Tuesday.

According to the statement of Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) Executive Director Bob Bennett, Sonnen was asked to undergo a random drug test during a recent UFC 175 pre-event press conference in Nevada. Two illegal substances surfaced in his test, Anastrozole and Clomiphene which are both on the World Anti-Doping Agency's 2014 prohibited list, for in-competition and out-of-competition use.

Travis Tygart, the head of the United States Anti-Doping Agency, clarified that there is can be no ambiguity on the usage of either Anastrozole or Clomephine which are both prohibited at any time.

"Both of those are prohibited in- and out-of-competition," Tygart told Yahoo Sports. "The reason why is because they can maximize the effects of testosterone use or other anabolic steroids use, as well as in and of themselves providing a performance-enhancing benefit."

Due to this development, the UFC released an official statement Tuesday stating: "UFC officials acknowledge irregularities in a recent random test. Chael is planning on addressing the matter this afternoon."

In an interview with Yahoo shortly after being informed of Nevada's ban, Sonnen admitted he was in a compromised situation since he said he has hypogonadism and needs testosterone to live.

"It puts me in a spot, because medically, I do need testosterone," Sonnen said in an interview with Yahoo Sports that was published March 4. "I have to look at this carefully, but they made no bones about it: It's out. We all have to deal with that, whether we like it or not."

According to Bennett, Sonnen is expected to be present in a forthcoming commission hearing at a yet-be-scheduled date, where the test results shall be addressed. The 37-year-old veteran fighter was also previously suspended by the California State Athletic Commission in 2011 after also testing positive for elevated levels of testosterone. This occurred during his first bout against then UFC middleweight champion Anderson Silva.