Facing the twilight of their careers, both Anderson Silva and Georges St-Pierre are constantly hounded by retirement questions.

Fans have longed to see them take each other out in the Octagon and now that both fighters suffered devastating injuries, seeing them slug it out is looking dim. There is light in the horizon for both players as Silva has already booked a fight with Nick Diaz while St-Pierre will be hitting the gym by October.

This was confirmed by Tristar gym coach Firas Zahabi who declared in an interview with ESPN that the tactical submissions artist can get medical clearance by next month to use the gym and develop his upper body strength. The Canadian wrestler was sidelined after suffering a torn ACL in March. The knee has been a recurring problem for the fighter but this time the trainer was taken aback by the speed in the recovery time of St-Pierre.

"It's looking way better than the first time," Zahabi said. "We just finished training and were talking about how his quadriceps got back to size so much faster this time around. No two ACL injuries are the same. We're learning that. In October, he's going to try really light martial arts training. Maybe hit pads. A little movement."

There is no scheduled bout or timetable for his return but St-Pierre made the headlines in August after taking a hard stance on drug testing. He declared that we only return to the Octagon on the condition that he and his potential opponent will undergo an Olympic style drug testing procedure. Since his semi-retirement last year after winning a split decision over Johny Hendricks, the Canadian has been adamant to "clean up the sport," one of the major decisions why he chose to walk away and vacate his title.

"I will never fight again in MMA without my opponent and myself being thoroughly tested for the most advanced PEDs by a credible independent anti-doping organization like VADA or USADA under the strictest standards of the World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) Code," St. Pierre declared during the interview with Bloody Elbow.

While Zahabi said that he and the 33 year-old fighter never discuss potential return to mixed martial arts, he is positive that St-Pierre will be back in the ring. Drug testing in the UFC is already being discussed as the promotional outfit is already coordinating with various agencies and accepting proposals from sample collectors to introduce a year-round drug testing process.

This development can only lure back one of MMA's biggest draw hopefully, next year.

While we await his return, watch the highlights of Georges St-Pierre's career:

(Video Courtesy of: Youtube/MMA Reels)