After the 2013 Russian meteor blast, two Grants Pass residents revealed they witnessed an unidentified flying object hovering over the Southern Oregon night sky. Heather Scherffius and Gregory Soldner recorded the UFO sighting on camera and claimed what they saw was not an asteroid or a meteor.

According to the two witnesses, they just happened to be outside of their home at about 10:30 p.m. when the UFO appeared. "At first I was like what's wrong with that star? I thought, whoa, that's kind of trippy. So I went to get him and he's like whoa! What is that? And it started moving," Heather Scherffius shared.

"It looked like a metal disk of some sort. I'm not sure, but it was metal and the way it moved was wierd. I mean I don't believe in flying saucers but I've never seen anything quite like this," Gregory Soldner explained.

Heather and Gregory further added that the UFO remained in one spot for more than a few minutes even making a couple of irregular space movements. The witnesses recounted: "It moved up and down, back to one spot and then zigzaged a bit. It was there like 20-30 minutes and then it was just gone!"

The non-UFO believers are still absorbing what they witnessed that night. "I myself find it hard to believe. But you got it see it," Soldner declared.

In the original video footage, it is difficult to determine what is being recorded. NBC 5 used a special filter to the video in order to make lighting more visible and the UFO clearly seen over the Grant Pass night sky last February 15, 2013.

NBC contacted the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) upon hearing the UFO encounter to inquire if there were any other UFO sightings reported that day or if they were aircrafts flying over Grants Pass at that time. An unnamed FAA staff confirmed that there are only few UFO reports in the area but they will conduct an investigation on the object spotted in Grants Pass and perhaps further determine if there is any relation to the Russia meteor blast that occurred.

Take a look at the video below of the UFO Sighting in Grants Pass, Oregon last February 15, 2013.