A few years can make a different especially in computers. Intel's latest line of Haswell processors changed the way laptops and similar devices work. These processors made it possible to work with lighter and thinner computing devices - they can also last for more than half the day. Heralding a new era of technology, ultrabooks are now the standard for computers. Tech giants like Samsung and Asus are boosting their line to satisfy this increasing demand.

Ultrabook systems allow users to bridge the functions and capacities of mobile and desktop computing. Tasks are more convenient to carry out. Computing portability is also guaranteed. Among these products changing the platform of digital technology is the new ASUS' TACIHI series. The product line features a group of laptop-tablet hybrids.

The TAICHI comes with twin screens: it functions as a traditional laptop and a tablet. What separates the device from other products is that it does not twist clumsily - no sliding required. Since the two screens can mimic each other or provide different content, two users can watch the same video or program face to face. It is even possible to work with different programs using the device.

TAICHI Program Manager Tony Lin together with his production team explained why the device stands out from all other offerings.

Tablet Mode: When a user closes the case, the back screen takes over. It transforms instantly into a complete tablet with PC functions. The company included a stylus for users who wish to have more

Mirror Mode: TAICHI defines a whole new kind of functionality with the mirror mode. The device can be used as a traditional laptop with both screens offering identical images. Lin says this function is ideal for making presentations to a small audience. There is no need to get an external monitor or a bulky projector just to show the presentation. Two people can watch the same thing while watching on opposite sides.

The TAICHI also comes with a dual screen mode. It becomes two computers and offers multitasking options running on Intel processor. A user can use a multi touch pad or keyboard to access the applications.