Durham University is offering a course on Harry Potter to discern such social phenomenon as bullying, prejudice, citizenship, anarchy and the world of rituals. The course reading includes the seven-book series by J.K. Rowling on the boy wizard of Hogwarts.The course is described as 'Harry Potter and the World of Illusions.'

According to Journal Live, it would involve 200 hours of study. More than 70 undergraduates at the British university have already signed up for the optional course.The university's departmentof education head Martin Richardson said that the course 'seeks to place the series in its wider social and cultural context and will explore some fundamental issues such as the moral universe of the school. 'You just need to read the academic writing, which started to emerge four or five years ago, to see that Harry Potter is worthy of serious study,' Mr. Richardson said.

According to Wikipedia, Harry Potter series had led academics and journalists to develop many interpretations of themes in the books, some more complex than others, and some including political subtexts.

The themes also include normality, oppression, survival, and overcoming imposing odds all of which have all been considered as prevalent throughout the series.