- TradeTech's spot uranium price rose last week
- Industry questions where future supply will come from
- Japan anticipated to restart nuclear power plants
- More consolidation could lead to re-rating for uranium stocks

By Andrew Nelson

One could have hoped that last week's small drop in uranium spot prices might have spurred a bit of extra buying, but it didn't. Industry consultant TradeTech notes that last week's spot market activity was yet again slow, although there was at least a slight rebound from the price slip in the last week of May.

Last month's late decline did see a bit of extra interest in the market, but TradeTech points out that buyers have remained hesitant for the most part. Less than 800,000 pounds of U3O8 was traded in four transactions last week, three of which were concluded late in the week.

TradeTech's Weekly U3O8 Spot Price Indicator was at $51.00 per pound by the end of last week, up $0.75 from the prior week's level.