Kim Kardashian's game "Kim Kardashian Hollywood" is even liked and played by United States' Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) employees, it has been revealed. The official Twitter account of EPA accidentally posted a link to the game of the reality star, asking its followers to download the app and play it on their iPhones. However, the agency later realized their mistake and deleted the tweet.

"I'm now a C-List celebrity in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. Come join me and become famous too by playing on iPhone!" the now deleted tweet reads.

"Whoops...our bad. Sorry about tweet. Upside - more attention for the Office of Water ( ), thanks @KimKardashian," the water agency wrote apologizing to their followers.

Various Web sites are suggesting that the tweet could possibly have been sent by one of the female employees of EPA, who played the game on her phone. The unknown employee in question has now been warned and given instructions on how not to mix the social media with her personal interests, reports People magazine.

However, Kim Kardashian's game has been doing really well in terms of profits. The game, which is free to download on Google Play and Apple stores, is expected to make the reality star rich by a whopping $200 million in annual sales. "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood" has been named the second most-downloaded free game in Apple's U.S. App Store, says Bloomberg. Also it has been named as the third most-downloaded free game too.

"Join KIM KARDASHIAN on a red carpet adventure in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood! Create your own aspiring celebrity and rise to fame and fortune!" says the game description.

"Kim Kardashian Hollywood," which was launched on June 25 back on Apple and Google's virtual stores, now ranks number three at the iTunes chart. The game is based on Kim's personal experiences of how to become a celebrity. The players are asked to choose an avatar and then have the option to either spend money to get to the next level faster or wait for a long time. There have been instances where people have spent close to $500 to get to the next level of the game. Check out one such instance here.