US Dietary Guidelines Recommend Diet Rich In Vegetables, Fruits And Nut And Less Meat
An employee places vegetables at Crimean Farmstead Reuters

Low-meat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and seeds is recommended by The 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. The Scientific Report of the Committee is submitted to the Secretaries of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in February 2015.

The guidelines recommend limitation of sugar intake to 200 calories per day as it is much of a current concern, than cholesterol, says the report. Fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and seeds are recommended in diet as they are more health promoting and are associated with less environmental impacts than high meat diet. It is to be noted that it is the first time that the committee has quoted environmental impacts in the guidelines.

It is not necessary to eliminate any of the food groups completely, say the guidelines, but encourages taking in quite a lot of vegetables, fruits and kind. No restrictions in the consumption of egg are established unlike last time it recommended cholesterol limitation by cutting down egg intake. As there are no reliable evidences to back up restriction of cholesterol in the diet, the committee hasn’t set any limitations to fat intake but suggests eating less saturated fat.

For the first time ever, the committee recommends moderate coffee drinking as there are evidences on healthy impacts of taking three to five cups of coffee a day in diabetes and heart disease. Pregnant women are recommended to limit their coffee intake to two cups a day. The guidelines recommend moderation in consumption of alcohol. The committee encourages public opinion on the dietary guidelines to provide written comments through midnight of April 8, 2015, and an opportunity to attend a public meeting to hear or provide oral comments on March 24, 2015. The registration for the meeting would be opened around March 9, 2015, according to

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