Is the US economy really on the rise? Are American consumers becoming more gung-hoed and spending on lattes and other luxuries given up during the downturn?

According to some consumer indicators as compiled by, it seems the economy is again back on track and perhaps some of the stimulus package of the government has indeed trickled down to households.

Thumbs Up for these Positive Indicators in the American economy!

Baristas and surgeons rejoice.

Some American consumers, who maybe a bit put off by too much tea parties have gone back to drinking lattes in coffee shops. Baristas rejoice as their jobs are assured with the Starbucks' net revenues increased 9.5 percent in 2010, after falling 6 percent in 2009.

Moreover, surgeons are again in demand as more consumers are opting for scientifically-enhanced beauty.

Men ready to replace their underwear.

Department stores now have levelled up their sale of boxers and other forms of men's underwear. As recession-stricken men starts to find new jobs, they no longer need to wait a long time to replace their underwear.

More cash to satisfy dessert cravings

As pockets are now getting filled so are cravings for desserts now resumed after the recession. The National Restaurant Association says more customers are splurging on the sweet endings again. That's a sign that they aren't as worried about losing their jobs. In fact, the Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index is over 60 again, after plunging to a recession low of just 25.

Insurance claims are waning.

The number of Internet searches for "unemployment benefits," "Social Security," "unemployment office" and the like spiked in July 2010 and has gone down since. First-time claims for unemployment insurance have been declining for months now, a signal that mass layoffs are waning.

Golfers, Taxi drivers, and Gamblers are back in their game

Urban people have returned to their cab hailing, golf teeing, and even trying their luck again in the gambling tables. Commercial casinos' take increased slightly last year and will head higher this year as consumer spending racks up about a 3 percent increase this year

More married couples are calling it quits.

Divorce lawyers are getting more business as couples, who have postponed their divorce along with the recession, have resumed their cases.