Daniel Pierce, the U.S. teen who was violently disowned by his family for being gay, has received over U$90,000 support from strangers. The video of the attack was uploaded on YouTube late August, and has been viewed more than 4.9 million times.

The video titled “How not to react when your child tells you that he’s gay” was secretly filmed by the 19-year-old Georgia student himself while he was talking to his family about his sexuality.

In the five-minute clip, Pierce is heard talking to her stepmum, who denounce his “choice” to be gay. He gave scientific proof that he did not choose to be a homosexual, but the woman in the video was adamant.

“You can deny it all you want, but I believe in the word of God,” she told him. “And God creates nobody in that way. It’s a path that you have chosen.”

There are several voices heard in the video as well, including what appears to be his father’s and grandparents’. They appeared to have hit him as Pierce retaliates by calling the woman a “b----“ and his father a “racist.”

He was kicked out of the home immediately. His boss at the holistic pet store The Good Dog Co, Regina Ryan, uploaded the video on YouTube.

According to Pierce, it wasn’t the first time that he had come out to his parents. He told his family that he was gay in October, and they appeared to be supportive.

However, on August 26, ten months after his first coming out, he arrived home from work and was surprised to see his family was waiting for him. Their stance on his sexuality has changed, and they tried to stage an intervention to “pray the gay away.”

“I recorded the video because I knew something was going to happen and I wanted to protect myself in case I was harmed in any way,” he explained to BBC.

His aunt Teri Cooper picked him up after the incident. She told the Advocate that she arrived at the house after responding to a text message alerting her of the family’s so-called intervention, but was not let inside. Pierce came out with a split lip, which was given to him by his stepmother, who punched him during the altercation.

One of his supporters has set up a crowd-funding page on GoFundMe.com, asking strangers for financial support for Pierce.

The goal was just U$2,000 to help the Georgia Highlands College student with his living expenses, but there has been an overwhelming response from people who have watched the video. In just three days, around 3,500 people have donated a total of U$93,805 for Pierce as of the time of writing.

He promised to share a portion of the fund to an organisation that cares for other kids that are in the same situation.

Although Pierce gets a lot of support from strangers, he was also criticised for provoking his parents. According to some YouTube commenters, not only does the video show a private conversation between family members that should not have been uploaded online, it was apparently clear that he was being disrespectful at them as well.

“This kid is a manipulative pr---. He provoked his parents by making comments like ‘Scientific proof trumps the word of God’ and calling his mum a b----. He called his dad a racist and said that no one has raised him well,” one commenter wrote.

“The kid is so disrespectful almost to the point where it is more vile than the parents’ actions,” another one added.