There are many applications that can be used in Facebook including games, horoscopes, inspirational quotes and other useful info. The Useful Info app delivers trivial information about health, touching stories, food, technology, quotes, and politics.

One of the finds of that app featured a political icon that would put other politicians to shame for their lavish lifestyle. He is Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano, the current president of Uruguay since 2010. He is an entry in Useful Info Facebook app which emphasises his donating 90 per cent of his salary to charity, poor people and small entrepreneurs.

The story is factual since Wikipedia tags him also as "the world's poorest president" due to his charitable acts. He is supposed to earn an approximate pay of $12,000 per month, but receives only $1,250 instead.

Mr Mujica has Basque and Italian ancestry and was active in the National Party during his youth.

He was a member of the guerilla group called Tupamaros back in early 1960s, an elected senator in 1999, and also a former Minister of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries from 2005 to 2008.

Mr Mujica is married to Lucia Topolansky, a current senator, and the couple lives not in a palace but in an austere farm in the outskirts of Montevideo where they cultivate chrysanthemums. They have no children and he considers his ancient Volkswagen Beetle as transport and only asset.

Unlike many politicians who are surrounded by a phalanx of security men, Mr Mujica has only one policeman and a three-legged dog as his escorts.

Besides featuring the role-model Uruguayan president, the app gives a lot of insights to users in Facebook and recently posted the health benefit of the Sour Sop which kills cancer cells 10,000 times than chemotherapy, top 10 foods for changing your mood to good, top 10 trends on technology for 2013, about Warren Buffet who is the 3rd richest man on the planet, 7 foods to prevent anemia, top 10 most anticipated smartphones this year, and the effect of eyes while using a computer.

Useful Info has more than 200,000 likes in Facebook.