The T.V. world is overflowing with dapper men. Alas, they are a figment of a writer's imagination, and beyond a girl's real-life reach. If the T.V. men turn real on Valentine's Day, jumping out of the T.V screens, and are all available to date, which T.V. man would the girl pick? This situation might turn into one of the toughest decision moments.

To help make the decision, here is a list of the five T.V. men and the pros and cons related to them.

Sherlock of BBC's "Sherlock": The much loved detective of Arthur Conan Doyle's short stories, "Sherlock Holmes," has found a new life of phenomenal popularity -- new-base of young fans, as well -- thanks to being transported to a contemporary setting on BBC's highly acclaimed and hugely popular series, "Sherlock." Sherlock is one of the most talked about characters in recent times, and dating him is akin to dating the King of fame and intellect. The girl can gloat about it till the end of her life and be the envy of her peers, for ever.

Pros: There cannot be a more charming man than Sherlock, with quintessential dry wit and intelligence. His mind-palace is a big turn-on. The man is fiercely protective about the people he truly cares about. To his best-friend and his wife, he vowed to be there for them, always and he proved that through his actions. This kind of a man is a keeper.

Cons: He might be asexual, or he might be truly committed to 'The Woman', Irene Adler, which makes him emotionally and physically, unavailable. And, it will be very much tiresome trying to match-up to his quips and keen intellect. Plus, he uses his quirky charm to use the girl to solve a crime.

Don Draper of AMC's "Mad Men": The suave Ad man, Don Draper, has the looks to make any woman feel weak at the knees. He is an expert in making a product, or a service, attractive and saleable through his creative ideas and ad copies. Don Draper and "Mad Men" have made advertising professionals hot properties.

Pros: A creative head is a big turn-on and the man with imagination can please a girl in zillion ways. Also, Don Draper has the sexiest swagger in the tele-world, and he standing beside a woman can make her feel classy and important.

Cons: Loyalty will be an issue, as the man is a habitual cheater. It is highly possible Don Draper might be dating someone while sleeping with someone else, at the same time. This Ad man is a little damaged because of his twisted past. He drinks and smokes, too much. Plus, he is too erratic to handle and currently without a job title.

Neal Caffrey of USA Network's "White Collar": Con-men are no longer sneered at thanks to the debonair con-man, Neal Caffrey. This character of "White Collar" has made con-work look like an artist's work. If he did not have a criminal record, he would have been a perfect man.

Pros: He is charisma personified, with a killer smile. Neal Caffrey has never looked shabby and he for sure must smell good. He knows how to treat his woman and rarely one sees him losing his composure. When it is Neal Caffrey, a girl can expect a perfect date, with the best wine, cuisine and a lot of romantic moments.

Con: 'Anklet.' Neal Caffrey cannot move beyond his marked radius. The word 'freedom' is not associated with him. Also, he is not available this Valentine's Day, as someone has kidnapped him.