"The Vampire Diaries" Season 5, Episode 14 brings on-and-off again lovers Caroline played by Candicce Accola and Tyler played by Michael Trevino under one roof with lots of awkward moment. A short sneak peek for Thursday's episode features the two characters mumbling about coffee which seems to be the center of the discussion.

"It's good coffee," says Caroline trying to break the silence. "Though I usually take mine with a little more awkward silence."

"Nice try, but you don't take anything with silence," counters Tyler who seemed please that Caroline is trying to break the ice.

The two haven't had much time alone since Tyler learned that Caroline hooked up with Klaus when he was in New Orleans and their awkwardness is about to change in this episode. The two are also worried and curious as to where in the world Matt has been when he walked in on them together with a companion.

Meanwhile, Damon is becoming deadly destructive as he becomes a vampire cannibal thanks to Dr. Wes who is trying to test Damon's friendship to Enzo. The mad doctor enlists the Travelers to set a trap, hence the title "No Exit," which involves locking Damon and Enzo in a house together with only Enzo can cure Damon's hunger for blood.

To show his loyalty to his friend, Damon let Enzo to chain him to a chair and called Katherine/Elena to save them from the spell. "We'll be there as soon as we can," says Katherine as she tells Enzo over the phone.

According to some spoilers, Episode 14 will allow Caroline to spill Katherine-is-Elena beans to Stefan as the synopsis reads: "Later, when Stefan tries to comfort a dejected Caroline, their conversation leads to a horrifying realization."

The synopsis also reveals that Elena's friends are onto Katherine thanks to Matt who had a heart-to-heart talk with Nadia. After learning about the spell that bind Katherine to Elena's body, Matt enlisted Caroline and Tyler to help protect Elena.

"The Vampire Diaries" Season 5, Episode 14 is scheduled to air on Thursday, Feb. 27 at 8 P.M. ET on the CW.