Victoria police are searching for two passengers who verbally and physically assaulted a Melbourne bus driver on May 24, Friday. An unidentified man and a woman abused the 23-year-old driver after he confronted them for not swiping their MYKI cards aboard the city-bound bus.

In the video released by the Victoria Police, the driver can be seen being repeatedly pushed and hit by the pair as he drove the Ventura bus on the 253 route in Melbourne CBD. He picked up the passengers at the Northland Shopping Centre after 9 am.

When the pair entered the bus, they did not swipe their myki cards, which prompted the driver to confront them. But the man and the woman became aggressive. They can be seen in the soundless footage shouting at the driver before sitting at the back of the bus.

The driver attempted several times to call the passengers using the PA system to have them return to the front to validate their tickets. When the male passenger returned to the front of the bus around 9:41 am, he became aggressive once again, shouting at the driver.

His female companion joined him and they began pushing the driver while the bus was in motion. They continued to crowd him even as the driver attempted to push them away. He then stopped the bus and demanded that they get off, but they refused and continued to use abusive language towards him.

The pair decided to get off a few minutes later, but not before the male passenger leant over the driver and stuck his hand in his face. The female passenger also spat on the driver.

Unfortunately, the abuse didn’t end there. The male jumped back on the bus and stuck the driver, stood over him, and threatened to harm him as he stuck his finger in his face.

The man, wearing a black hooded jacket, is described as in his 40s and of Caucasian appearance with blond hair, while the woman is also described as Caucasian with blonde hair and of similar age. She was wearing a black jacket and a fur-trimmed hood, black jeans, and gloves. She was also carrying a black handbag during the incident.

Police are urging anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or to go to

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