Victoria's Secret Supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley recalled how challenging the life of a supermodel is.

This 26-year-old Rosie shared that to become a model is a challenge in real sense. She was advised to go on a scanty diet. She was asked to consume "a single piece of sushi a day" by her agent.

But her response to the advice was quite bold and responded, "Go F***k yourself." She had the courage to defy the rules of the industry. She did not conform to the rules that forced aspiring models and supermodels to maintain an unhealthy body and lifestyle.

For the first time she uncovered how difficult the life of a supermodel, especially in maintaining a lean body. Rosie is a supermodel who is adverstised as the face of the Australian make up label ModelCo, and also speaks about how the industry has experienced changes.

Recently, "Hunger Games" actress and model Jennifer Lawrence disclosed similar incident and how she stood up against it. Click here to read more about her experience and her bold answer to it.

Many similar incidents have been cited by the models. Recently, Georgina Wilkin, another model, revealed her similar experience at the age of 15. "If you weren't thin enough, you were sent out of the room immediately," she told the Telegraph. "I was sent out. At the end of the day, my modeling career lasted for three years and as a result, I've had anorexia for eight, and I'm still battling it today," she continued.

Supermodel Rosie has been in the modelling industry for about 10 years now and has noticed changes in the industry. She feels the industry demands models to be "more real now than ever."

She added a model needs to have a real personality. In today's world, a model is not just one-dimensional entity. She needs to adorn a three-dimensional image for her audience to like her. She needs to be out there and let people get to know her.

"Everybody wants to know the models."There's more engagement ... You're no longer this one-dimensional image. It's more expected now for supermodels to be smart, to have opinions, to have a personality," Rosie stressed.