'Vikings' season 5 episode 6: A journey and a war

“Vikings” season 5 episode 6 will set the stage for the war between brothers that is supposed to tear the world of the warriors apart. Meanwhile, Floki (Gustaf Skarsgård) will continue his plan of leading the chosen people to the land of the gods. A preview video and a sneak peek scene of the next episode show what to expect in the story.
Kattegat is preparing for war. The preview video posted on YouTube shows Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) asking Ubbe (Jordan Patrick Smith) to lead her forces against the combined might of King Harald (Peter Franzén) and Ivar (Alex Høgh Andersen).
Both Lagertha and Ubbe are aware of the devastating consequences of this war for their people. The battle will divide their people, giving the Saxons an opportunity to regroup and prepare to fight another day.
Bishop Heahmund (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) will continue to be a prisoner. In the next episode, Ivar will give the warrior priest a choice: he can either fight with Ivar against his enemies or die. Will Heahmund agree and fight alongside his enemies?
Back in Kattegat, Lagertha will have her own problems. Despite her warning, Floki will build his boats and prepare to leave with a group of people. This reduces the strength of the army in the war against King Harald. Lagertha will get wind of what’s going on, and she will confront Floki about it.
Floki is concerned about finding out who betrayed the group and let word leak out. Lagertha intends to punish Floki, and the latter prefers a clean death to imprisonment.
A Sneak peek scene of the next episode posted on YouTube shows Floki and his group sailing away, which means Lagertha allowed them to go. However, there is a plan in letting all of them leave. Apparently, Lagertha is waiting to see if Floki is right. Will everyone at Kattegat leave for the land of the gods if they lose the war?