Virgin Australia’s long-haul pilots and long haul cabin crew have voted yes to their respective enterprise bargaining agreements (EBAs).

The voting process was finalised last night and received a positive result with 85 per cent of long-haul pilots and 93 per cent of long-haul cabin crew voting yes to the agreements.

Virgin Australia Group Executive People Richard Tanner said the airline was pleased to have reached such a positive outcome.

“Engagement with our staff is a priority for our business. We are looking forward to Fair Work Australia approving the EBAs. This outcome is the result of a very good and fair process for Virgin Australia, the unions and our staff,” he said.

According to Australian Federation of Air Pilots (AFAP) executive director Terry O'Connell, the agreement would increase the pay for some pilots by 25 per cent immediately.

Others, meanwhile, would receive annual increases of about 4 per cent.

The new agreement covers Virgin pilots flying to Los Angeles and Abu Dhabi and will operate for three years.