NBA superstars usually step-up on the court and deliver great performances in all their athletic glory. After the devastation of storm Haiyan in the Philippines, some of those superstars forgot about their stardom and went out of their way—either via twitter or other activities—to show support for the basketball-crazy country.

Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade posted a tweet on his official twitter account (@DwyaneWade) with a link on how other people can help the affected people in the Philippines:

My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by typhoon #Haiyan. Learn how you can help:

— THREE (@DwyaneWade) November 11, 2013

Wade provided the link leading to, where they find information on how to donate via UNICEF, World Vision International or the Philippine Red Cross.

Wade’s coach, Filipino-American Erik Spoelstra also issued an official statement via thei Miami Heat's website:

"On behalf of the Miami HEAT organization, we would like to extend our condolences to the victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. We value the many fans that we have over there, and we will keep them in our thoughts and prayers."

Spoelstra was scheduled to appear in a UNICEF public service announcement to help raise funds, according to

"This is the absolute least I can do. You feel helpless, want to be able to do more," said the 43-year-old Spo, who has spent the past summers doing basketball clinics in the Philippines.

Indiana Pacers general manager Kevin Pritchard (@PacersKev) and Los Angeles Lakers center Pau Gasol (@paugasol) also showed their support via twitter.

I'm watching the Philippines and i'm wondering - what's the best charity to give to to help them directly. They are the friendliest people. — Kevin Pritchard (@PacersKev) November 9, 2013

I just gave to the @philredcross Please help if you can. We fell in love with the Philippines on our trip. The absolute kindest people! — Kevin Pritchard (@PacersKev) November 9, 2013
All my support to the entire Filipino population. More than 10.000 deaths and millions of people affected by #Haiyan. #PrayForThePhilippines — Pau Gasol (@paugasol) November 10, 2013

According to reports, an estimated 9 million people were affected by Typhoon Haiyan and the death toll could reach 10,000 casualties.