Spoilers from the comic book

"The Walking Dead" showrunner Scott Gimple revealed that this season will be like a remix of the comics. The storylines of different characters would nicely blend in "TWD" season 4. In Wetpaint's recent post, the website speculated that Lizzie might appear as the comic book version of Ben.

A "The Walking Dead" fan named Dustin Dunbar posted a theory in the comments.

"My prediction (based on the graphic novels and the show): it will be revealed that Lizzie killed Karen and David. The group will have to decide how to deal with her, death or exile. It will be controversial because she is a child. While everyone sleeps, Carl will sneak in and kill her and no one will ever know until Carl reveals it to Rick. He made the tough call that no one else could make. BOOM! Now let's wait until February."

Allen and Donna have twin sons named Ben and Billy in the comics. They are adopted by Dale and Andrea. Both of them (Dale and Andrea) are alive in the comics at this time. After the prison war, the group is on the road to Washington D.C. and Ben starts to show signs of madness. Later, he kills a cat and his brother.

The group wonders what to do with him. Carl takes things in his hands. He sneaks over to the place where Ben is held up and kills him. Later, the guilt engulfs him, and he confesses to Rick. It is likely that Lizzie can be the new Ben in the TV series.

Fans are speculating that Carol was covering for Lizzie. She is a little creepy and dangerous. Remember the shot that she took and killed Alison? Bang on the forehead! Carl Grimes also shot a kid (season 3) but was shaken after that, unlike Lizzie who was all cool after killing Alison.

Is Lizzie as crazy as Ben from the comic books?