The idea that loading up with alcohol before having sex improves the mood for sex is a misconception, and three quarters of Australians can attest to that.

In a recent survey released by febfast, 74% of Australian women and 68% of the men claimed that alcohol really does make them lose the groove for sex.

Dr. Nikki Goldstein, a febfast Ambassador, sexologist, and expert on relationships, recommends "taking a break from the booze in February is a sure way to lift your game in the bedroom."

"These results are proof that staying sober for the month will put the spark back into sex. Without the psychological effects of alcohol you're able to focus on what really matters and properly connect with each other."

The survey also highlights the role alcohol plays in the dating scene. While a few drinks can help us relax on a date, Dr. Nikki reminds us to keep it in check if you want to make a good impression.

"The febfast survey told us that a third of Australians have done something they regretted on a date because they drank too much and it's important to remember that first impressions do last," said Dr. Nikki.

The first flush of romance appears daunting for some, with results showing one in four Australians has never had a booze-free first date and 20% of us have a drink before a first date to boost our confidence.

Baby Boomers: Dating and Getting Drunk Don't Jive

Interestingly, older Aussies in the dating scene rely on alcohol the most. Nearly one in three 51-55 year olds said they can't imagine dating without alcohol, compared with less than one in ten 20-30 year olds.

Once dating moves to relationships, one in four Aussies says alcohol has a negative effect, causing moodiness and more fights with their partner. However, the survey showed men and women feel the impact of alcohol in different ways. One in five men admit alcohol impacts their relationship because it sends them to sleep (compared with one in ten women) and one in three women said booze caused more fights (compared with less than one in four men).

On the positive side, two in three Aussies said alcohol means more fun socialising with their partner and nearly one in ten believes it makes them more open and honest in their relationship.

Dr. Nikki Goldstein is challenging Australians to try dating and relationships without alcohol this February.

"If you're in a relationship, febfast is a great opportunity for you both to reenergise for the New Year, improve your mood, general health and, according to the survey, improve your sex life!"

Sober Dates, Count More

"For those looking for love in 2012, why not do febfast and try dating without alcohol in February? It might mean a happier Valentine's Day!"

febfast National Director Howard Ralley said participating in febfast is a great way for couples to re-connect and raise money for a great cause.

"A month off the drinking is a great opportunity for all couples to save some cash while giving something back to the community by supporting kids who really need our help. One whole month without a hangover - you'll be amazed at what you can do during febfast," said Howard.

Febfast participants raise much-needed funds to help young Australians take control of their lives and address their alcohol and drug problems. Each year, more than 60,000 young people turn to alcohol and drug support services across the country for help and treatment2. Funds raised by febfast participants go directly to a range of charities including Mission Australia, Ted Noffs Foundation, YSAS, Mater Health Services, Holyoake and BushMob who run programs to support youth with alcohol and other drug problems.

Sign up for febfast at

The following is a gender and age breakdown of the febfast survey data.

References 1 Febfast survey independently carried out by Pure Profile Research, 2011 2 AIHW 2010. Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 2008-09: report on the National Minimum Data Set. Drug treatment series no. 10. Cat. no. HSE 92. Canberra: AIHW