Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande are currently Hollywood's youngest and cutest couple to boot. Their relationship proved to be problematic when Ariana's ex-boyfriend, Jai Brooks, spread cheating rumours over the web. This certainly won't be the last of it given Nathan's band member from The Wanted, Siva Kaneswaran claim there'll be more struggles.

The Wanted are known to have a reputation for their fights with boys from One Direction. Given they both hail from well-known bands with equally good-looking members, it's no surprise a feud with begin between the two. Rather than focus on the feud, the boys of 1D and The Wanted have focused their attention on their music which includes an upcoming tour.

Nathan Sykes along with members from The Wanted are prepping up for a world tour with their latest album. This means that Nathan will definitely be miles away from his lady love, Ariana Grande which will obviously be a struggle between the two.

Fans of Ariana Grande know that Grande and Jai Brooks had split up early this year due to "distance constraints." Would the same thing happen to the famed "Nariana" couple once the tour begins? That is what Siva Kaneswaran thinks as well.

"In terms of them struggling - it's because they're brand new. I think that's actually a struggle right now, they know how hard it is in the beginning. It's going to be hard, they need to focus on each other," stated Siva in an interview with Yahoo! OMG as reported by Sugarscape.

Of course, Siva is right behind Nathan with his new found love. The Wanted singer claimed he'll be helping out Nathan by giving him all the tips and tricks to keeping the love alive even with the distance.

"I know all the shortcuts now, but they'll have to learn all that," stated Kaneswaran, adding, "I've been with my girlfriend for six years now and we're really, really happy. We've sorted out priorities out. Every relationship's different, we just have to keep it consistent."

Hopefully, everything turns out alright between the famous "Nariana" couple. For one, they are already reeling in quite a few fans all thanks to their cute stunt during their LA concert. Check out the video below.