Can you imagine Queen Elsa singing ''Let It Go'' in Japanese?

Disney released a multilingual version of ''Let It Go,'' the Oscar-nominated song from the film ''Frozen,'' as its special token of gratitude for the film's fans around the world.

The company released ''Let It Go's'' 25-language version through a video upload where the song is synced into the sequence from ''Frozen'' where Elsa is building her castle using her powers. Languages featured in the song include Latin American Spanish, Bahasa Malaysia, Flemish, Mandarin and Cantonese.

But before saying "Really? Idina Menzel can sing in Catalan?," Yahoo! Movies confirmed that each of the versions is performed by different artists.

"Who knew someone could sound so much like Menzel... in Mandarin!?" writes Yahoo! further.

Actually, this mashup is only a part of Disney's efforts to release ''Frozen,'' in its entirety, in the 25 languages featured in this multilingual version.

Various critics were floored by the multilingual version of ''Let It Go.'' Time Online shared the video with no accompanying article, only a simple "No words, just watch and listen."

Thought Catalog, on the other hand, was impressed by how the singers from each of the versions sounded like Menzel.

"How they managed to get the tones so similar and so lovely is pretty impressive (it almost sounds like they're all performed by the same girl)."

A reviewer for Fanpop listed down his top 10 non-English versions of ''Let It Go'' after listening to all 25 versions of the song and translating the lyrics back to English. User FlightofFantasy ranked the song by the quality of the singer's voices and the translation of the lyrics, regardless of whether or not it is close to the original version.

Meanwhile, Disney also announced the release of the sing-along version of ''Frozen,'' which will also be released in theaters on Jan. 31.

''Frozen'' premiered in US theaters last Thanksgiving, Nov. 28, and has since earned more than $642 million worldwide. Its soundtrack, on the other hand, reached the top spot in the Billboard charts, with ''Let It Go'' at the 25th place in the Billboard Hot 100.