A quick preview of the key economic events for the upcoming week:

Chief of International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde has offered encouraging words for the world economy. Specifically, she sees a slow but certain stability in the global economy, and thinks that we might already be on the path to recovery.

Should we be optimistic?

Related News: IMF's Lagarde: Global Economy May Be On Path To Recovery

Monday, March 19

IMF holds high-level China-India conference in New Delhi.

Related Story: China vs. India - Is Either Economy At Risk? : Stephen Roach

An international experts' meeting on reactor and spent fuel safety takes place at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.

Russia hosts Eurasian Union summit in Moscow. Leaders from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine are among those expected to gather for the meeting.

Related News: Putin Proposes 'Eurasian Union' With Old Soviet Union Neighbours

Related Story: A New Russian Empire: What Exactly Is Putin Planning?

Tuesday, March 20

Queen Elizabeth addresses the United Kingdom parliament as part of her diamond jubilee celebrations.

The Nordic Council of Ministers and the European Environment Agency hold a joint conference in Copenhagen on production and use of biomass for bio-energy in the Baltic region.

Wednesday, March 21

The UN Security Council hears a briefing from the Iran sanctions committee.

Related Story: How Will Oil Sanctions On Iran Affect Africa's Largest Economy?

Related News: Russia To Benefit From Western Sanctions On Iran

Britain's finance minister George Osborne delivers his budget speech. He is expected to announce details of a credit easing plan aimed at helping businesses. More controversially, Osborne has in recent weeks discussed the possibility of a super-long century bond, a move to help lower Britain's long-term debt servicing costs.

Related News: U.K Chancellor Flirts With the Idea of a Super Long 'Century' Bond

The World Trade Organisation committee on agriculture meets in Geneva. Member governmentsare committed to improving market access and reducing subsidies.

Twitter, a real-time social sharing network, turns six.

Thursday, March 22

The UN Security Council in New York considers adoption of a resolution on the UN mission in Afghanistan, a day before it expires.

Related News: Rampant Capital Flight Saw $4.6 Billion Leave Afghanistan In 2011

Sunday, March 25

Hong Kong goes to the polls to elect the country's new chief executive to replace the outgoing executive, Donald Tsang.

European clocks advance by an hour as daylight saving kicks in for 2012.