The mutants with outlandish abilities, like to smoke a place down with laser-powered eyes, read what you are thinking, or the power of self-healing, are back in this new trailer of "X-Men: Days of Future Past." This new movie from the "X-Men" franchise features almost all the X-actors. It is like a huge mutant party but a rather dangerous one.

The trailer opens with an eyeball's close-up, and a voice asks a question - "What's the last thing you remember?"

It is Wolverine's eye. Hugh Jackman returns as Weapon X or Logan or Wolverine for the seventh time in the franchise. If you notice, his temple area looks gray in the trailer. It seems like it is a replication of Wolverine's hair from the "Days of Future Past" comic book.

Next up, Halle Berry joins the cast as Storm again, and she is looking worried in one of the shots, the initial shot.

Charles Xavier says, "I had a glimpse into the past." Patrick Stewart returns as Professor X in "X-Men: Days of Future Past." The trailer also brings back Shawn Ashmore as Iceman with Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde.

Did you miss Rogue? We all missed Rogue. Anna Paquin comes back as Rogue. In the next scene, we see Ian McKellan as Magneto. In "The Last Stand," Magneto lost his powers but in the epilogues of the film stated that Magneto will return with full powers.

New Characters in "X-Men: Days of Future Past"

We have Warpath or perhaps Thunderbird, a character of America played by Booboo Stewart.

Blink, the character that can use weaponized teleportation.

Bishop, a mutant policeman who travelled back from the future to save the X-Men from a possible catastrophe will be seen in this new movie.

And, last but not the least, Sunspot who can absorb and redirect the opponent's power.

Moving on, things are not great in the mutant universe and Professor X and Magneto join hands to end this war.

The super guys assemble in a cathedral-like place and the plan is revealed. "I wake up in younger body, and then what?" Wolverine asks.

"Find me," Professor X replies.

Wolverine is the man who will do the time-travel act with Professor X in the movie.

Michael Fassbender is here as young Erik Lehnsherr or the man who will become Magneto. In the trailer, he is shown pointing a gun at someone.

Young Professor X is seen blowing off the dust from his Cerebro in the X-Mansion.

Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique sheds a single tear in the trailer of "X-Men: Days of Future Past." Clearly suggests that the 70s have been painful for our mutant friends.

"You're going to need to do for me what I once did for you," Old Professor X tells Logan. Wolverine will repay the debt by going back in time when he was a loner.

Also, in the trailer, we get to see the President's office as some men open up a secret path underneath the office. In the other scene, three unknown men point their guns at a man. And, the man is Wolverine. He is bullet-riddled and angry; you can guess what happens next.

Beast played by Nicholas Hoult returns. President Richard Milhous Nixon has the ability to erase his audio recordings (quite a mutant ability).

In another scene, Magneto is shown pulling Mystique in his direction. We know the how-he-is-doing part but not the Why part.

The trailer ends with Old Professor X talking to his younger self. "Please, we need you to hope again," he says.

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" is expected to hit the big screen on May 23.

Watch the "X-Men: Days of Future Past" trailer.

Credit: YouTube/X-Men Movies