‘Wentworth’ Season 5 episode 5 recap: Franky endangers Will and Kaz when she sabotages a prison van in 'Belly Of The Beast'

"Wentworth," starring Nicole da Silva as Francesca "Franky" Doyle, Tammy Macintosh as Karen "Kaz" Proctor, Robbie Magasiva as Deputy Governor Will Jackson, Kate Jenkinson as Allie Novak, Sigrid Thornton as Sonia Stevens, Pamela Rabe as Ex-Governor "The Freak" Joan Ferguson and Shareena Clanton as Inmate Doreen "Dor" Anderson, aired the episode titled "Belly Of The Beast" on Tuesday on the Showcase channel. It showed Franky sabotaging a prison van. Unfortunately, Will and Kaz was affected by it. Read on for the latest "Wentworth" 2017 episode recap.
Spoiler Alert! This article contains 'Wentworth' spoilers 2017. Read only if you want to know more.
In "Wentworth" Season 5, episode 5, Kaz accused Will of supplying drugs to the women in Wentworth because the drug trade has intensified. Meanwhile, in her desire to escape jail, Franky sabotaged a prison van. Unfortunately, it put Will and Kaz in grave danger. However, the incident also allowed the two to talk it out and have a mutual understanding.
As for Doreen, she had a hearing with the board regarding her application to transfer to Western Australia (WA). Elsewhere, Allie still grieved but is starting to come to terms with her loss. Plus, Lucy (Sally-Anne Upton) tried her bullying tactics to extort something from Sonia. Sonia just rejected Lucy's tactics. Liz (Celia Ireland) also tried to protect herself and resorted to extreme measures in order to ensure her safety.
'Belly Of The Beast' guest stars and the 'Wentworth' cast and crew
Fiona Banks directed "Belly Of The Beast," which was written by Marcia Gardner. The Australian TV drama's fifth episode in Season 5 featured the following stars: Kate Atkinson (Vera Bennett) and Katrina Milosevic (Sue 'Boomer' Jenkins). Bernard Curry (Jake Stewart), Socratis Otto (Maxine Conway) and Leanne Campbell (Inmate 348 - uncredited) also appeared in some scenes of this episode.
'Loose Ends' episode
The episode before "Belly Of The Beast" is "Loose Ends," which aired on April 25. It was directed by Geoff Bennett and written by Marcia Gardner. It showed Doreen applying for transfer to WA. Allie and Franky also became closer in this episode. Meanwhile, Liz tried to contact Kaplan and Ferguson wanted to take control of the drug trade in jail. As for Sonia, her freedom is cut short as her crimes slowly get exposed.
'Wentworth' Season 5 Netflix
Watch "Wentworth" episodes on Tuesdays at 8:30 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on Showcase. The Aussie prison drama is also aired on the Australian pay TV company Foxtel. "Wentworth" on Netflix is also available for other fans of the show around the world.
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‘Wentworth’ Season 5 episode 3 recap: Kaz tries to stop the drug trade in jail