'Wentworth' Season 5 finale recap: Joan 'The Freak' Ferguson gets buried alive by Jake and Will [VIDEOS]

"Wentworth" Season 5, starring Pamela Rabe as Ex-Governor "The Freak" Joan Ferguson, Robbie Magasiva as Deputy Governor Will Jackson, Bernard Curry as Jake Stewart, Shareena Clanton as Inmate Doreen "Dor" Anderson, Nicole da Silva as Francesca "Franky" Doyle, Sigrid Thornton as Sonia Stevens, Tammy Macintosh as Karen "Kaz" Proctor and Kate Jenkinson as Allie Novak, aired the episode "Hell Bent" on Tuesday, June 20. It features Jake and Will burying The Freak while she's still alive. Read on to learn more about it.
Spoiler Alert! This update contains more 'Wentworth' spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about the prison drama's 12th episode.
Franky and Allie's great escape
The "Wentworth" Season 5 finale showed the continuation of Allie and Franky's prison break plan using the shipping crates for the green wall project. It was almost shelved, no thanks to Liz (Celia Ireland), who asked Franky for protection from Sonia (Sigrid Thornton). Thankfully, Allie handled it well by confronting Liz and telling her to downplay her concerns about Sonia.
Eventually, Franky got out from her crate. However, she noticed that Allie's crate wasn't there. She only found a note from her that said she still needed to do something to avenge Bea's (Danielle Cormack)) death while Franky needed to prove her innocence.
Allie switches places with Joan 'The Freak' Ferguson
Allie made a deal with Jake so that "The Freak" will be put in the crate instead of her. Unfortunately, it wasn't to help Joan escape but to make Jake and Will's plan successful, which was to get rid of her by burying her alive. Will ended up burying "The Freak" while she was still in the crate.
Liz poisons Sonia
Forced to take care of herself, Liz had no choice but to take matters into her own hands to ensure her safety. She gave Boomer (Katrina Milosevic) a cup of tea to give to Sonia, who started to choke and eventually collapsed on the dining room floor.
Vera toughens up once more
Vera (Kate Atkinson) showed everyone that she can bounce back from her fall from grace in the last episode. She told Jake that he was the biggest mistake she ever made. She also turned down Ferguson's earlier request to avoid her return to the general population area. "Hell Bent" was directed by Kevin Carlin and written by Pete McTighe.
"Wentworth" episodes air on Showcase in Australia every Tuesday at 8:30 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). It also airs on Foxtel and Netflix. The prison drama's sixth season was commissioned by Foxtel on May 9. "Wentworth" Season 6 has already began shooting its scenes, and it will officially premiere in 2018.
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