This year the Easter holiday will fall on April 20th and here are few reasons why you should look forward to this holiday:

Easter means winters are gone, it's time to welcome spring: The day will be a welcome change in your wardrobe, where you can pull out all your colorful attire and flower printed accessories to welcome the spring sun. Easter is time to shun winter blues and pack away your mittens and jumpers. In more literal terms Easter means that sad days post Christmas and behind us and its time to rejoice and go on Easter Egg hunt.

Easter gives you the first bank holiday: The next day after Easter that is the Monday is off and this means that you get four holidays at one go, Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. This gives you more reasons to celebrate and to unwind with your friends and family. You can take a short vacation, catch up on your reading, go for a long spa and massage session so that you can come back to work refurbished and rejuvenated.

Easter eggs are here: It is the only time of the day when you can actually enjoy eating chocolate Easter eggs without feeling guilty. Spend time and reconnect with your kids by planning Easter eggs hunt for them. Decorate Easter eggs with them and spend some fun time. Talking about Easter Eggs tradition, it started when the church did not allow eating of eggs during the week. The eggs, which were left, were decorated and given to children as Easter tradition.

Easter eggs is one of the most enjoyable things to do on Easter holiday. You and your loved one can decorate the eggs with glitter, paints, fabric and ribbons.

Let us know what are your plans for Easter Monday. How many Easter eggs are you going to decorate and what are your plans for the long holiday. Leave your comments below.