Agent David Siegel (Warren Kole) seeks Neal Caffrey's (Matt Bomer) help to find an apartment in New York. It is revealed that Neal's new handler is a recent divorcee and is secretly rich. Neal suggests a place suitable for him as per his status.

Peter Burke (Tim DeKay) informs Neal that Curtis Hagen (Mark Sheppard) was "granted early release from the prison, today." Neal says that "The Dutchman" may disappear in the night again and wants to know how he got out. Some evidence was damaged in the warehouse, Peter tells him. He also adds that it takes them back to the same point after coming so far. Neal corrects him that Peter has come far and that he is still a convict, now with a new handler. Peter believes that Curtis Hagen will make a mistake and then they will catch him, again.

Neal gets a message from Curtis Hagen to meet him. The meeting is set at a museum. Neal tells him that he is done and it is over as he already did what Curtis asked him to do -- destroy the evidence. Curtis calls it a "lovely start" and reminds Neal that he is the one who is calling the shots. He also tells Neal that prison has changed him: "no more forgery" and "no more getting hands dirty." It is Neal who would be stealing something for him, a rare book. Curtis also tells Neal that "what's important to me is now what's important to you."

Curtis gives Neal 48 hours to steal the book and mentions that he only needs chapter 13. The book's binding is attached to a pressure plate and if it is moved an inch, the whole place would light up with alarms. Curtis does not care how Neal steals the book. He just wants the work done.

The new girl in Neal's life makes an entry. Neal approaches Rebecca Lowe (Bridget Regan) and tells that he needs a book for study. But, the book, which is kept in a glass case, cannot be opened. Rebecca tells Neal that she could give her left arm to get a peek inside it, but the owner gave strict instructions that it cannot be opened. The greatest wealth of the world was within the pages of the book, according to the lender (anonymous) of the book.

Peter announces the promotion of Clinton Jones (Sharif Atkins). Neal refuses to join him and the rest for a celebration party, saying that he has loads of work. At his apartment, Neal discusses with Mozzie (Willie Garson) on how to steal the book. Neal cannot go back again to the museum, without raising the flag of suspicion. Mozzie suggests a strategy of piggy-backing to steal the book. It is like two thieves getting in to steal and one coming out hand-cuffed. The name of Zev, the thief of thieves, pops up to accomplish the book stealing mission, and Mozzie has an old score to settle with him. Mozzie takes up the task of spilling the details to Zev, indirectly, while Neal tries to convince his handler about a possible heist that may take place at the museum. Agent Siegel gets the permission of Peter to keep a watch on the museum. Later, Peter confesses to Jones that it is strange watching Neal going around with Agent Siegel to solve cases, while he is sitting in the office with file work.

To get near the book, again, Neal approaches Rebecca. On the pretext of showing old pages of a book, which have been forged by Mozzie, Neal takes her key Identity card. Neal makes her flustered while stealing the card.

Agent Siegel feels that Neal is either going to make his career or ruin it as there is no middle ground. Peter wants to join them for the stake-out as he is missing the action. As per the plan, Mozzie, wearing a horrid wig, crosses in front of the museum while Neal and Agent Siegel are keeping a watch. Agent Siegel gets down from the car to follow Mozzie and Neal has eight minutes to steal the page from the book. Before Neal could get out of the car, Peter gets in the car, eager to be part of the action on the field. Neal points out that Peter should not be there, while Peter says that he wanted to be part of one last stake-out. Neal tries to be harsh with Peter, saying, "This is not your life anymore. You and I are not partners anymore." Peter gets out of the car and says, "You're right."

Neal gets inside the museum to steal the page, while Zev gets in to steal a painting. Agent Siegel is following Mozzie -- who is trying to stop him from getting back to the car and find out that Neal is missing -- when he hears the sound of alarm from the museum. Neal is caged-in the museum because Jeff's stealing triggered a security alarm that pulled all the security shutters down. Neal manages to get out and meet Agent Siegel who is looking for him. Zev also disappears with the painting. Peter gets the message that the painting has been stolen from the museum.

Peter questions Neal and his handler on how the thief was able to get away while they were keeping a watch on the museum. He tells them that the thief was not working alone but had an accomplice, too. Peter also mentions about someone stealing the key card from Rebecca and goes to talk to her. She is at the White Collar office. Neal looks on with a worried expression. Agent Shield and Neal join Peter when he is questioning Rebecca.

Rebecca recognises Neal and tells that he flirted with her. Thinking quick, Neal stops her from giving out the nature of their talks related to the book. Rebecca says that she had nothing to do with the heist. Neal says that he believes her, but it does not look good. Peter asks Agent Siegel to interrogate Rebecca further and takes Neal with him. He tells Neal that he is taking over the case as he feels responsible for "screwing it up."

Mozzie asks Neal to solve the stolen painting case with Peter as they had done before because if he does not, someone will figure out that something else was also stolen other than the painting. Peter meets Neal at the museum. It is one last case for him, and Neal says sorry for being harsh earlier. Like old times, Neal and Peter get on the task of solving the one last case.

After the break-in, the owner of the books at the museum library ordered the return of the books, including the rare book. A girl stops someone from opening the rare book. Peter asks Neal what he would have done to steal the painting and open the security doors. Neal re-creates what he would have done and realises that he would have removed his gloves, leaving behind fingerprints. Zev's fingerprints get him caught. Neal is worried about his fingerprints.

It is not yet over for Neal even after he hands over the page to Curtis Hagen. Mozzie has made a copy of the page, which may give them an advantage over Curtis Hagen. Agent Siegel is keeping a watch on Neal when he is talking with Curtis Hagen. Rebecca gets fired from her job.

Agent Siegel is found dead near the place where Neal met Curtis Hagen. Peter says that initial reports indicate at "mugging gone wrong."