Powerful Android smartphones are in the 2013 gadget pipeline, but nothing beats the excitement reserved for Samsung's Galaxy S4, which reports said will debut early this year with a 4.99-inch screen size.

Android handsets like HTC M7 and Sony's Xperia Z generated considerable buzz as consumers' interest build up over the upgrade options they have in the months and quarters ahead.

So far, the Samsung Galaxy pedigree remains on top, Digital Trends said, despite the flood of alternatives that sport the common denominators: 5-inch screen size or more, quad-core processing muscle, 13MP camera shooters and generous bump-ups on internal memory capacity, plus the likelihood that Key Lime Pie will power many of these Android devices.

What lies ahead make for new batches of attractive handsets that manufacturers made sure will behave with snap and ease, so why wait much longer for the Galaxy S4 which is speculated to break into the smartphone scene between March and May 2013?

It would be a big mistake not to hold back on your upgrade move, Simon Hill of Digital Trends wrote. "You'll be sorry if you don't wait," he said.

Phones outside of the Galaxy sphere started flashing impressive upgrades that largely answered the relentless thirst for wide-screen, light and thin devices, which arguably was part of the Samsung gamble that initially drew flak but paid off in the end.

Now the Samsung way acts as the default Android and in large part, smartphone standard.

The brains behind the S3 must be grinning widely as the phone headlined the Samsung Galaxy S series on its march to the 100 million unit sales and counting, with the S3 proving that it's the best creation by the South Korean firm to date.

This iPhone-beater, per Samsung's report, convinced some 30 million buyers worldwide to pay premium price just so to enjoy the top-tier Android JellyBean flavour, served with a touch of Samsung's TouchWiz.

And beyond the S3, Samsung's brilliant Galaxy marketing strategy - different device versions to suit various preferences - is now the envy of competitors. The company covers all possible market segments, leading to its more than 60 million of Galaxy phones sold during Q4 2012.

On that quarter, Samsung again outpaced its bitter rival Apple, which again prompted speculations that the iPhone maker will adjust its product lines to gain entry on markets it previously ceded to Samsung and others. Apple contradicted itself by making the iPad Mini last year, and it appears that the tech giant is willing to do that again via the iPhone Mini.

Samsung's product portfolio serves as a rude reminder for Apple that no market is negligible. And the Galaxy S3, claimed by Apple as a clone smartphone, is a grim yellow note that the high-end market is no safe ground.

Its predecessor is a solid proof that Samsung Galaxy S4 is a winning brand that is worth the wait. And the wait may not take that too long.

Based on Samsung's published AMOLED roadmap, its Full HD 4.99-inch screen is timed for a Q1 2013 launch. Connecting the dots, the chart strongly suggests that this signature Samsung display technology is ready for deployment over the next three months.

And maybe some few weeks after that, Samsung will unleash the Galaxy S4 and keep in line with its May market introduction of the previous Galaxy S series.

Now hanging around for a few more months seem not too much rather than regret later that you jumped too soon and end up spending more to enjoy the anticipated Galaxy S4 refresh from Samsung.