Are your friends' Facebook or Twitter profile picture suddenly turning purple? It is not yet another craze that has hit the web; they are doing it for a good cause.

According to the latest reports, in an attempt to create more awareness about the World Cancer Day, Chevrolet is encouraging social media network users to turn their profile picture purple. For each purple profile picture on Facebook or Twitter, the vehicle brand has committed itself to donate one dollar.

Feb. 4, 2014, is dedicated as the World Cancer Day. This day honors cancer survivors and is devoted to endeavors to fight against the disease that is becoming common and affecting the population worldwide.

As per their commitment, they will donate one dollar for each purpled profile picture on Facebook and Twitter to American Cancer society. The company has sworn to provide up to $1million funds for the society dedicated to the welfare and awareness initiatives for battling cancer. The company is fulfilling their commitment with the help of social media users, if they turn their profile picture purple, just for one day.

Chevrolet which is also referred as Chevy introduced their campaign to the world with an emotional ad for the World Cancer Day that aired during a Super Bowl event. Scroll down to watch the touching advert.

Chevrolet which has been associated with American Cancer Society supporting them in their campaigns for 11 years has also launched a Web site "Purple Roads" that allows the users to purple their profile to show support.

The Web site tells "purple is the color of cancer survival." It also provides a tool to turn your Facebook or Twitter profile picture purple, easily.

Over the past few years, these social media Web sites like Twitter, Facebook and more have become a platform to reach out people for support. Several times there are posts circulating widely in order to raise awareness and show support.

Unfortunately, cancer has claimed lives of people in big numbers worldwide and it continues to grow due to lack of knowledge and delayed detection of the disease. Chevrolet has provided with yet another opportunity to show support and spread awareness through mediums like Twitter and Facebook which are widely accessed by people around the world. So, here's your chance to do your bit by simply turning your profile picture purple. Click HERE to visit the campaign Web site by Chevrolet and show support.

Video: 2014 Chevy Super Bowl Commercial:"Life"-- #PurpleYourProfile Chevrolet Chevrolet