Bieber is close to being banned in the Philippines. All thanks to a boxing comment the Canadian pop star had posted a few days passed on his public Instagram account, Filipinos are enraged and ready to take down the 18-year old. Does Bieber really deserve all this hate?

Filipinos are sure to answer a big yes to the question stated above since they live on the motto, "Mess with one Filipino and the others follow suit." Too bad for Bieber, the kid had to pick on the wrong nationality. Still, everyone should have just taken a chill pill and left the issue alone, right?

Well, apparently no. The issue of Justin Bieber posting insulting photos of Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao on his Instagram account has been blown into epic proportions. Justin could have simply apologized for his boxing comment but the rude and insensitive 18-year old boy had merely shrugged it off.

"If they were beliebers I know they wouldn't leave my side over any Boxing opinion I have," said Bieber on his Instagram account.

Bieber is a known supporter of Mayweather and had simply taken such opportunity to prove Manny had no fight against his idol. The Canadian crooner even went off to say how Mayweather would gain nothing from a fight with Pacman - as if he were Mayweather's coach or manager.

"He has nothing to gain fighting Pacquiao, Floyd has never in his professional career lost a fight and Pacquiao lost his last two fights," Bieber tweeted following Pacquiao's loss, after years of fans anticipating a fight between the two boxers. "If Floyd wins it's not that big of a deal Cuz it would be his third loss in a row, and if he loses he's gonna ruin his legacy either way there's no big win for Mayweather.. Mayweather is boxing," said Bieber.

While Bieber is still bent on his boxing comments bashing Manny Pacquio, Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao on the other hand is focusing on other things. The Philippine boxing champion released a statement late evening yesterday claiming he forgives all the internet memes mocking him of which also includes Bieber's rude remarks. The boxer simply said he would pray for Bieber.

On the other hand, Filipino netizens are waging a war over "Beliebers" and Justin Bieber. The hashtag "BanJustinBieber has topped the Twitter trends since yesterday. Filipino lawyers are already working on banning Justin Bieber from the Philippines for good.

All this hate and back-lash could have ended if Bieber had simply issued an apology. To date, Justin or his representatives have said nothing about the Pacman issue. To say the least, Bieber "DOES" deserve the back-lash and next time a little boy shouldn't be making "boxing comments" if he knows nothing of the sort.