Since the announcement of the team up of Batman in the next sequel to "Man of Steel" and the release of "The Justice League" movie, fans have been screaming for Ryan Gosling to play the role of Batman.

Now, it's not like we want to replace Oscar winning Christian Bale as Batman but he did state his intentions of no longer playing "Batman".

We may all love Gosling, but there are reasons why he is not fit for the role of Batman. Other than the fact that he has to keep up with Christian Bale who played Batman in the Dark Knight franchise, there are many other factors that may stand in Gosling's way to the Bat cape.

According to Entertainment Weekly's Jeff Labrecque, there are certain things that may get in the way of Ryan Gosling's Batman role---if he ever is offered the role. One of the few things would be the behind the scene casting and deals.

We may all want to see Gosling in a batman suit but maybe it is just too much to ask for. First, Gosling is reluctant at playing superhero roles. According to the actor, he thinks that these roles become your life and it would take years before you get out of the role. Reports have also stated that Gosling may be going on a little break from acting and may start directing. So instead of seeing him on screen he would be the one directing actors this time---No!

The latest movie in the Dark Knight franchise showed Joseph Gordon-Levitt. In all cases, he might be the one to fulfill the role of Batman since Bale has stated his intentions to leave the role to someone else. Ryan Gosling may also have different characters in mind such as playing the role of "Flash".

In an interview with the actor, he was asked if he would want to play the role of the "Flash" and he did not say no. A movie on super fast superhero the "Flash" is said to be released sometime in 2015.

Let's face it, Gosling can't play the role of Batman. The role would need someone ala Cavill to keep the audience coming back for more. Gosling is super hot but sometimes it's the chemistry of the role and the actor that makes a movie what it is.