Porn actresses line-up at the opening of the ''Venus'' erotic fair in Berlin October 17, 2013.
Porn actresses line-up at the opening of the ''Venus'' erotic fair in Berlin October 17, 2013. Reuters

Porn producers are complaining that companies are keeping away from them, noting the change in tolerance for the X-rated industry especially after several HIV scares as some actors tested positive for the disease.

For instance, Wicked director Brad Armstrong observed a decline in acceptance of porn the last two years. He cited locations that he used to rent the past eight years now turning down business. This is true not only of home owners but also larger studio locations.

Chase and PayPal have closed the accounts of porn performers, while Amazon had deleted Wish Lists, an adult entertainment site.

In turn, Google has removed adult advertising and no longer accept such types of adverts, which would mean about $325 million less income from adult movies a year, reckoned Scott Rabinowitz, partner and media buyer at, although it represents still a drop in the bucket for the search engine giant which earns about $100 million a day.

Rabinowitz cited one of his accounts that spent $1 million yearly the last decade with Google since the company's AdWords opened, but was shut down abruptly with no ability to respond after Google came out with its policy against adult advertising.

Google claims that it sent notices in March to warn clients of the new policy which would start in June to give them sufficient time to alter their advertising campaigns, but porn companies, used to getting such letters, ignored the warning.

Alec Helmy, XBIZ president and publisher, opined, quoted by Daily Beast, "Maybe the profitability on a market aggregate level has dropped to a level where it is no longer worth to associate with the industry. Maybe the risk to reward ratio is no longer what it used to be."

However, notwithstanding the new policy, Google search would still point to porn content.

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