Remember this famous photo of then Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard knitting a toy kangaroo for the forthcoming baby of Prince William and Kate Middleton?

It becomes relevant again with the news on the royal birth on Monday night.

When she posed for the photoshoot for the Australian Women's Weekly, Ms Gillard was still PM, although the next day Kevin Rudd won in the leadership spill and she stepped down as prime minister.

Leaving Canberra and returning to Adelaide to take care of her ageing mother would have provided Ms Gillard more time for her favourite hobbies, including knitting, especially since she kept her promise to retire from politics.

However, recent reports indicate that like other former PMs, Ms Gillard may still have a tight schedule, including writing a book.

Tony Wright, national affairs editor of The Age, wrote that other options left for Ms Gillard include going into business, teaching, becoming a board director, diplomatic posting and speaking engagement which has earned former heads of state such as ex-U.S. President Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair millions in speaking engagement fees.

In the case of former PM Gough Whitlam, he and wife Margaret spent their time traveling to Europe. Bob Hawke ventured into facilitating business deals in China and horseracing, while Paul Keating went into the piggery business.

Going back to Ms Gillard, by now she surely must have finished the toy kangaroo that she knitted for the newborn Brit royal and must have sent it by post to Buckingham Palace.