Doomsday prophets will likely connect the dots of three ongoing developments in the international arena and warn that the end of the world is near, just like they did in December 2012 when the end of the Mayan Calendar led to Apocalpse speculations.

The three events are South Korean K-pop singer Psy breaking again records in YouTube and developments in the Korean peninsula and Middle East.

It would be recalled that the forecast end-of-the-world date of 12-21-12 coincided with Psy's first hit, Gangnam Style, breaking YouTube records with 1 billion hits.

Despite doubts if the 35-year-old singer could break his own megahit record, which now has reached 1.6 billion, Psy released on Saturday his new single, Gentleman, amid mixed reviews. And the rest is history - Psy once again broke records.

Within 24 hours, views exceeded 20 million, breaching the 8-million single-day record set by Canadian pop icon Justin Bieber in May 2012.

He is set to break another record as the hits of Gentleman exceeded 51 million in 40 hours, prompting the singer to tweet, "51 million views in 40 hours!! My God-!!!"

Latest count said the song had gone beyond 60 million hits.

And while Psy is once more horse-trotting his way to the bank with millions of dollars of income from his being ungentlemanly in his MTV, the other side of the Korean peninsula is creating global tension with its threat that Japan would be its first attack target in the event of a nuclear war.

The threat to hit Japan first, which suffered atomic bomb hits during World War II in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, came as Pyongyang's reaction to Tokyo's standing order to destroy any missile headed towards the Land of the Rising Sun.

The Tokyo-Yokohama area is the World's Largest Megacity with a population of more than 30 million people.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry had warned that it would be a huge mistake for North Korea to launch a missile attack since the U.S., South Korea and the rest of the global community is not accepting North Korea as a nuclear power.

In response, Pyongyang said, "The enemies should know that it is the era of the great Marshal Kim Jong Un, leader of the most powerful country and invincible great Paektusan nation," quoted the Korean Central News Agency.

A third trigger of an Armageddon speculation is the worsening situation in Syria as warplanes bomb areas near Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Raqqa, which was captured by rebels in March.

The Times, a British daily, reported that it has evidence based on soil samples smuggled out of Syria that some kind of chemical weapons were used in the conflict. But the newspaper did not state if it was the government or rebels or both sides that utilised chemical weapons.

A team of UN-led specialists is on standby in Cyprus waiting for permission to investigate the allegations of chemical warfare, but diplomatic problems is hindering the team's entry to the war-torn Middle Eastern country.

The three unrelated events are surely enough bullets for doomsday prophets to believe the end is near.

However, most people - while concerned over the violence in Syria and the threat of a nuclear launch by North Korea - will probably carry on with their daily lives and ignore the end-of-the-world speculations like they did in December 2012.

The red-faced Mayans whose Calendar Ended December 2012 are enough proof that it is best to just ignore such dreary scenarios that always play on the mind of doomsdayers.