Based on his interests, eight-division title holder and Filipino boxing champion has seven likely career options once he retires from the ring. These are as politician, soldier, singer, emcee, actor, pastor and commercial endorser.

Among these options, it is as a commercial endorser where Manny stands to continue earning megabucks without risking acquiring Parkinson's disease or damaging his face and body.

Pacquiao, after all is a global brand even if he loses all his eight division titles in the future.

For instance, after Pacquiao lost to Timothy Bradley in 2012, Nike and Hennessy Cognac - whose ads are seen below - kept him as their product endorser.

Spurs Talk confirmed that it doesn't hurt to be retired for product endorsements by athletes. It cited the case of Michael Jordan who is the second-highest earning celebrity athlete with an annual income of $33 million from endorsements.

There is, however, a big if in retaining one's stature as an endorser - no scandals. The highest-earning athlete, golfer Tiger Woods, who used to earn $80 million a year, lost millions when his philandering ways were exposed. Accenture dropped Woods as endorser like a hot potato after the scandal. Many other products he endorsed followed suit.

Forbes estimated in October 2012 that American biker and testicular cancer survivor Lance Armstrong stood to lost $150 million in career endorsement earnings potential if doping charges are proven. The biker just admitted to doping charges this week.

To Manny's credit, his being a born-again Christian has helped improve his image, unlike in the past when past indiscretions with starlets exploded in his face and almost caused his marriage to Jinkee, who has also became a celebrity endorser of smart liposuction for the Philippines's top derma clinic.

Besides his fame, advertising experts pointed out that Manny is "an extremely likeable individual. He has an infectious smile and a good heart. No, his English isn't perfect - but his charisma and personality are marketing gold."

However, one of the things that he needs to address for these commercial offers to keep coming in is to cut through the layer of people around him who turn off potential clients. Opposing Views quoted Bill King of the Sports Business Journal that there are too many layers one has to pass through to get Pacquiao to sign on the dotted line.

Whether that accusation is true or false is debatable because of the growing list of Pacquiao's commercial endorsements including

HP's TouchPad


Vitwater (an energy drink)

Magnolia Milk

Magic Sing (Sing-along microphone)

Head and Shoulders (shampoo)

Datu Puti (vinegar), which featured a Freddie Roach-looking model

and Alaxan (pain reliever)

However, with his growing rightist religious views, Manny may one day eschew making ads for San Miguel Beer

and Ginebra San Miguel

Forbes, in June 2012, estimated that Pacquiao had earned a total salary and winnings of $56 million, making him the world's second highest-paid athlete.

While his $6 million income from endorsements is small compared to other celebrity athletes, translated into pesos, his product endorsements are equivalent to P252 million pesos is still big for the once-poor boy from General Santos City who had to work as a construction worker and take up boxing to escape poverty.