'Winds of Winter' theory on how things will turn out for Brienne and Jaime

Perhaps one of the most interesting love stories that will unfold in “Winds of Winter” is that of Brienne and Jaime. A new fan theory looks at the clues George RR Martin has left in the previous books that tease a possible tragic end to this storyline. The following article contains spoilers.
The last time readers saw Jaime and Brienne, they faced an uncertain future at the hands of the Brotherhood Without Banners. According to a fan theory posted on Reddit, the two characters are heading for a trial by combat.
One of the clues to this comes in the form of Jaime’s dreams. In one of his dreams, his fallen brothers of the King’s Guard appear to judge him for being a king slayer. Then there is the hint of his sword light going dim after the judgment. The flame of the sword represents his life, according to the theory, and a hint comes in the form of a line from Cersei saying he will die when the flame goes dark.
In his dreams, Jamie is made aware of the place where he will be tested like never before. It is a cave he initially mistook to be a cavern below Casterly Rock, but the fan suggests that this is the cave of the Brotherhood Without Banners.
The flaming sword is another indication that there will be trial by combat. Readers should note that while Jamie’s flame goes dim, Brienne’s flame continues to be strong. Will she fight in his stead to save his life?
With Beric dead, someone else will have to fight this trial by combat in “Winds of Winter,” the fan points out. According to the theory, the man who will pick up the sword for this is Lemoncloak. The large and fierce man of the Brotherhood has expressed his desire to kill Brienne in the past, and there is also a hint in the books about his association with the King’s Guards. There is a strong possibility that Brienne or Jaime or both will die here in this cave.