'Winds of Winter' theory: Jon Snow may not accept his real name

“Game of Thrones” TV series appears to have spoiled some parts of “Winds of Winter,” especially about Jon Snow. While the possible confirmation of the R + L = J may be a good thing for the fans it may not be good for the character in question, according to a fan.
[Spoiler alert]
The TV series revealed how Jon Snow will be brought back to life. It remains to be seen if George R.R. Martin takes the same route. What seems almost certain now is that the character will be back in the next book and the story will also explore his background, perhaps in one of Bran’s visions.
But, will it be advantageous for Jon Snow to publicly accept his Targaryen heritage? That is the question a fan poses on Reddit. On the show the character was declared King in the North because he is considered a Stark. So there is no advantage for him to say that is a Targaryen in “Winds of Winter.”
The plot twist will also come as a personal blow to the character. He has always followed the advice of Ned Stark, and tried to live up to his expectations.
Martin, however, may change things up in his book. As things stand, Stannis is still alive in the books and so is Ramsay. The big battle in the north is yet to take place, with a possibility of the Bolton army marching north to face the Night’s Watch.
There is also the question of Stark reunions, possible deaths, and what the relationship will be like between the surviving siblings.
The Jon Snow arc in “Winds of Winter” will certainly be an interesting one, with wide ranging implications on all other characters. The book may also take the readers deep beyond the Wall, and tease the final war against the Night King and his forces.